A suspense-filled military and political thriller, Foxholes follows one man’s quest for justice in a crime committed by a man in a position of power. Vince Marcotte, retired Afghan veteran, now working as a paralegal, is a man with a conscience. When his former superior, Colonel Nick Batson, announces he is running for Senate, memories of Vince’s deployment come flooding to the surface, and he vows to destroy Batson’s campaign. Vince is convinced that the colonel murdered an airman who allegedly committed suicide in Afghanistan 15 years ago, and he feels obligated to expose him.
When another apparent suicide connects to Batson in the present time, Vince teams up with private investigator Eddie Fleck, and amateur detective Hadley Collins to find the truth about Batson’s involvement in the deaths. Vince’s integrity and altruism, which drives him to find evidence against Batson, adds a layer of personalization to the action-packed scenes.
Author Travis Tougaw deftly weaves the past and present, as Vince dodges danger in both his military and civilian life. Tougaw’s expertise in military procedures and terminology is reflected in his writing, incorporating his own background as an Air Force veteran. Along with realistic flashbacks, the author intersperses moving scenes of Vince’s relationships with colleagues as he always strives to do the right thing.
Foxholes will keep you on the edge of your seat as new dangers threaten with every turn of the page. If you enjoy political/military thrillers, you’ll love this one, with a hero who demands justice be served. Looking forward to Vince Marcotte’s next adventure!